Learn to trade and invest confidently with 75+ courses and webinars
PRO benefits
75+ courses taught by experts
will help you master everything from basic concepts to advanced strategies.
Access to all live webinars
will help you gain real-time market knowledge and learn strategies to improve your trades.
Upto 20% off on mentorships
will help you get guidance from experts to improve your trading and investment plan.
Get started today
What's Included
75+ exclusive courses
Free access to live webinars
Upto 20% off on select mentorship programs
New courses added every month
Frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Upsurge.club PRO subscription?
Upsurge.club PRO is an all-in-one membership that gives you access to 70+ stock market courses and all ongoing and upcoming webinars. These courses and webinars cover basic to advanced concepts of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Options Trading, and more.
Will I get access to new webinars on Upsurge.club?
Yes, you will get access to all ongoing and upcoming webinars conducted by India's top stock market instructors.
Are the courses available for download or offline access?
Currently, the courses are only available for online streaming. Offline access is not available.
Will I get a certificate on completion of courses?
Yes, we provide certificates of completion for our courses. These certificates are a proof of your up-skilling journey.
Can I request specific topics or features for future updates?
Absolutely! We value your feedback. PRO subscribers can submit requests for specific topics, features, or improvements through our help & support channel.