Expiry Day Scalping Strategy Using Open Interest
What You Will Learn
Interpret Open Interest data
Learn profitable scalping strategy for both buyers and sellers
Execute a winning scalping strategy with the correct entry, exit and stop loss
Illustration of strategy with practical examples
Your Course Overview
3 sections • 5 topics • 1 hr 2 mins content
1. Introduction
50 sec
Meet Your Instructor
Start Learning
2. Options Scalping Strategy
1 hr
Understanding Expiry Day Open Interest Strategy
Start Learning
Oi Expiry Day Strategy
3. Pre-Mentoring Documents
Understanding Indicators for 2 Candle Theory
2 Candle Theory Strategy
About The Course
Welcome to the Expiry Day Scalping Strategy Using Open Interest by Sivakumar Jayachandran on Upsurge.club. In this advanced scalping course, you will learn to interpret Open Interest data and learn an effective expiry day options scalping strategy using open interest.
In Lesson 1, Introduction, you'll be introduced to your instructor and gain an understanding of the course content.
In Lesson 2, Options Scalping Strategy, you will be introduced to the concepts of long buildup and short buildup and how to interpret Open Interest data using OI Pulse. You'll learn an effective expiry day options scalping strategy, utilizing Open Interest data. This index-based strategy is suitable for both buyers and sellers. Additionally, you'll learn to determine the correct strike price along with the optimal entry, exit, and stop loss. The strategy is demonstrated in the live market for a better understanding
In Lesson 3, Pre-Mentoring Documents, you'll get access to the 2 Candle Theory strategy notes which will assist you in revising the strategy and integrating it with the expiry day options scalping strategy for executing profitable trades.
Course highlights:
- Interpret Open Interest data
- Learn profitable scalping strategy for both buyers and sellers
- Execute a winning scalping strategy with the correct entry, exit and stop loss
- Illustration of strategy with practical examples
Who is this course for:
- Traders willing to learn an expiry day options scalping strategy
- Anyone who wants to add an advanced scalping strategy to their tool kit
- Individuals who want to learn an options scalping strategy using Open Interest Data
- Anyone who wants to learn an advanced options scalping strategy from Sivakumar Jayachandran
Learn From - Sivakumar Jayachandran

Founder, OI Pulse
15+ Years
50K Subscribers
Sivakumar Jayachandran
Sivakumar Jayachandran, the founder of OI Pulse, has 15+ years of options trading experience and is recognized for consistently generating returns as an options buyer. He has empowered retail traders with valuable scalping knowledge through his YouTube channel.Frequently Asked Questions
I am new to scalping, do I need any prior knowledge?
What is Open Interest and why it is important?
Where can this strategy be used?
How long will I have access to the course?
Will I get a certificate of completion?
Why is our course so affordable?
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